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Mala (rosary) made from the seeds of Rudraksha tree. It is used to count time while meditating using mantras (japa meditation)

 Who are we?
 What is Yoga?

Founded in 1987 by Damyan Dimitrov Vasilev, Patanjali Yoga Club is the oldest active yoga club in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Throughout the years it regularly organizes Yoga classes in the "House of beauty and fashion", Technical University, Plovdiv University "Paisiy Hilendarski", etc.
We always follow the values and practices of the classical Yoga in our classes. We are convinced that the millennium Yoga tradition requires an appropriate attitude, in order for a person to achieve positive results.

   In the picture: Statue, representing the ancient sage Patanjali, who has developed Yoga into a system.

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Yoga is a practical science of self-cognition, which first appeared in ancient India. For centuries its methods were developed by thousands of sages. In the beginning of our era Yoga was expounded by Patanjali in his work "Yoga sutra". We can distinguish various stages in the development of Yoga, as well as many of its incarnations, but all of them are based on the principles stated in this text. The main idea of Yoga consists in the realization of a conscious control over the dense and the subtle aspects of the human being.

  In the picture: Shri Yantra, a graphical presentation of the universal powers in tantra Yoga.

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  Regular club meetings

Monday 18.30 Asanas Plovdiv, 9 Avksentiy Veleshki Str.,
5th floor

(It's on a junction. The entrance is from the side of Dragan Tsankov Str.)

Ring at Shilevi (ШИЛЕВИ).

Tuesday - -
Wednesday 18.30 Asanas
Thursday - -
Friday - -
All classes are suitable for beginners!
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One who is intent on practice will obtain Siddhi, not one who is idle. Yoga-Siddhi is not obtained by a mere reading of the scriptures (Shastra's). Siddhi is not achieved by wearing the dress [of a Yogin], or by talking about it; practice alone is the cause of success. This is the truth, without doubt.

Hatha Yoga Pradipika I. 65-66
(translation by Srinivasa Iyangar/Tookaram Tatya)

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